
Buying a new boiler is a significant financial decision. Therefore, it’s a good idea to go into the negotiation armed with the right questions. This way, you can guarantee you’ll get a good deal, and the right type of boiler for your property. 

What Type Of Boiler Do You Recommend For My Home? 

There are different types of boilers, such as combi boilers, system boilers, and regular boilers, and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your home size and heating requirements. Professionals should be able to tell you what you need and why, based on what you tell them about your home. 

How Much Will The Installation Cost? 

When you ask contractors to install a new boiler, the price they quote includes two elements: the boiler unit cost and the labour cost. These fees can vary depending on the complexity of the job, the location of your home, and the experience of the installer. Therefore, you’ll want to see a quote breakdown so you can compare different contractors. 

How Long Will The Installation Cost? 

Lastly, how long installation takes can vary depending on the type of boiler and your home’s location. The further you are from civilisation, the more likely it is that the contractor will take longer to complete the job. Therefore, ask for an estimated time frame and check if there will be any disruption.

If you’d like to install a new boiler or get a quote, contact our team today at 01903 530 851.